
Departmental Climate Survey

Departmental Climate Survey and DEIW Report

2020 - 2021 EEMB Department Climate Survey Report

We distributed a preliminary survey to all EEMB graduate students in Spring and Summer 2021 and received responses from 46 students. We expanded survey questions from 2019 - 2020 to reword the questions so that they focus on the personal experiences of graduate students interacting with the department and the EEMB community, to gather information that would reflect the mentorship relationships between academic advisor and graduate students, and to gather graduate student views of the Letter to UCSB EEMB Faculty with Demands Towards Racial Equity developed by DEIW in 2020. We are currently compiling the results into a final report, which will help us develop and prioritized DEIW initiatives that are important to the graduate student community.

Click here for 2020-2021 finalized report

2019 - 2020 EEMB Department Climate Survey Report

We distributed a preliminary survey to EEMB graduate students November 5–22, 2019. The survey aimed to gauge students' impressions and experiences of diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellness within the EEMB department. The survey questions can be viewed here.

Climate Survey Report 2019.pdf